Quyen Acupuncture
Improve the quality of you life and health the natural way. Use your own body’s energy to keep you healthy and balanced.
I use a skilful and gentle combination of Acupuncture, moxibustion and Tui Na (Acupressure massage) to build personal strength, increase energy, restore balance and improve health. I can help with a variety of health conditions, please feel free to contact me to discuss your individual situation, I am happy to speak with you.
I also practice cosmetic acupuncture to give a rejuvenated and youthful look to the facial skin and muscles.
Contact me for a no obligation chat about how I may be able to help you.
The main priorities are healing, gaining good health and maintaining a strong feeling of well being. The therapies are also very much aimed at increasing your energy for live, improving facial tone and look and contributing to a more grounded, happier life. Each therapy is a relaxing, tranquil and enjoyable experience.